Grundig soundbar with Google Chromecast remote = TCL soundbar setting

Totally offtopic, but in case someone ever googles for it:

A Grundig soundbar works with TCL remote settings (the third set, but just select TCL and follow the instructions on screen) on Google Chromecast!
Don’t ask me how I found out… (ok: I tried and tried till I was surprised when it suddenly worked!).

If you are helped with this info, please let me know with a comment!

ByteDelight at RetroGameBeurs, 25 Sep 2024

ByteDelight was present at the RetroGameBeurs in Tilburg (The Netherlands), held at Sunday 25 August 2024.

It was a huge fair with hundreds of tables full of retro goodies: from trading cards to game consoles, homecomputers, LEGOs and much more!


Spectrum40 highlights!

Been to the UK first time after Brexit, and it was easier than I expected – especially with the special gear I carried with me, you’ll see on the photos underneath ๐Ÿ˜‰ !

Reason for this visit was Spectrum40 at Walsall, on Saturday 30 April 2022.

So, Friday morning, up we go, and… down again, after only short of an hour.
Jumped in and out Stansted Airports WH Smith, for this warm welcome I got:

Nothing serious with luggage and ID checks, so off we go with the train to London, then a subway just to get to another train to Birmingham:

Once I finally were done with public transport after over 3 hours, I got out of the train station at Walsall.
Bigger WH Smith here, and yes! All ur ZX Spectrum and retro computer mag – great work Chris Wilkins!

So, took a walk to my hotel, about 3 miles from the train station.
Then did some work on the special thingy I brought with me, to make it… shine! ๐Ÿ˜‰

After an hour or two, got to a pub to meet up with some great guys.
After that we had dinner at the other side of the street (which is a good thing after some beers..).

I made one mistake after that: I walked back to the hotel, though my feet already started aching because I brought the wrong shoes, and had quite a heavy backpack with me.

Anyway, next day, of we go to the venue!

Yes, walked again, bad stuff…
Decided on my way over, to install Uber when I got there.

Steve White talking about Ant Attack and more!

Some of the photos I made with insanely awesome people:

Chris Wilkins, who has some great ideas for hands-on retro events!

Peter Smith with his stall:

Brendan Alford, master genius coder!

I also made photos with Andrew Owen, Mark Smith, and many others, but for some reason I can’t find them on my phone!

Had a great long talk with Andrew about the Chloe computer which we’re going to actually bring to the market.

Talked with Mark about loads of things, and the cherry on the pie: I’VE SEEN IT, TOUCHED IT, MY LIFE IS COMPLETE NOW!

—-==== **** ISSUE 5 IS REAL!**** ==== —-

Pfew, that’s heavy stuff… Back on my feet…

Wayne good mate!

And Jason Railton, who made himself famous in one day, with this insane setup:

*ONE* ZX Spectrum, FOUR players, and…. TWO monitors!

I’ll get into this more this year, with interviews with Jason, Mark Smith, Brendan Alford, and many more!

Jessie really liked my portable backpack ZX Spectrum 40 with programmable ARGB keyboard!

She explained to me how Choas worked, which I really enjoyed!!
Unfortunately the battery died just after making this photo – I’m so sorry Jessie!

The battery, a simple Mi 10.000mAh powerbank, did hold up quite some time, about 6 hours!

Tim Gilberts made this photo of me. Well… more or less of me:



I did a ‘let’s do a short 3 minute live stream’-live stream of about 50 minutes:

I was exhausted after this day…
So I did install Uber, and got my first ever Uber ride! The guy didn’t say much..

Next morning I got up as early as I could, to be able to visit London to do some distanted photo challenge with my kids.

Here are some shots – I think I did everything they dictated me, but these are just a couple of them:

I’m bigger than the Ben:


After a really lightning fast visit to London, I got to the airport, to.. relax ๐Ÿ˜‰

So I got myself some coffee.

Then back up and… ‘immediately’ down again.

One of the souvenirs I took back with me:

Yeah so, subway, train, plane, venue, really don’t know where or when I picked it up…
Anyway, I’ll live.

This was great!

See you all in November!


Dear ZX Spectrum enthusiast,

To be able to finally process all open orders, repairs and other custom requests, I made the decision yesterday to put stock levels to 0 – stock levels will raise when new products are completely ready and on the shelves.

Iโ€™ve promised too many times to process all remaining repairs and other orders, but so far I havenโ€™t been able to keep that promise โ€“ I am very sorry for that!

This, and another big reason for this change, is explained in this video:


Best regards,

Ben Versteeg