When loadingĀ Ultimate titles on any ZX Spectrum 128K model with DivMMC EnJOY! or DivIDE, the 128K paging system needs to be ‘locked’.
This also applies to some other games, such as:
– Sly Spy: Secret Agent
To achieve this, perform:
OUT 32765,48
Then load the game by either NMI menu or by .TAPELOAD.
You only have to enter the OUT command once, as it disables 128 memory paging completely until the next power off.
When you want to play 128 games after entering that OUT command, you do need to power off the ZX Spectrum first.
Tested with:
- Underwurlde
- TransAm
- Lunar Jetman
- Nightshade
- Jet Pac
- Alien 8
- Sabre Wulf
- Knight Lore
Pssst and Cookie don’t seem to need this workaround.